Community Tree Planting

For more information
Email [email protected]

Growing the urban forest canopy
Our Community Tree Planting program aims to engage community members in planting trees across our City by hosting tree planting events to grow the urban forest canopy.
Growing the urban forest is a Council and City priority. Trees improve air and water quality, help control flooding, beautify neighbourhoods, reduce energy use, provide habitat for wildlife, and provide recreational opportunities. We want our community to have a say in where trees are planted and remove barriers to make it happen.
Setting a target of trees planted based on volunteers will help ensure you have a successful event. On average, a site with 30 volunteers are able to plant 300 trees in 4 hours.
On your tree planting event day, all volunteers must sign the Community Tree Planting Participant List and Liability Waiver which the team leader must email to [email protected].
Additional Program Information
Please read all program information prior to submitting your application.
Event Organizer's Responsibilities
- Select a group leader and complete the online intake form and team leader volunteer consent form
- Ensure volunteers are aware that they will be required to sign a liability waiver the day of planting
- Ensure volunteers are aware of and have read the safety tips
- The group leader shall ensure that volunteers sign the liability waiver attendance sheet the day of planting. The group leader is responsible for sending a copy of the sign-in sheet to forestry staff at [email protected], a maximum 5 working days after the event has occurred
- Communicate health and safety protocols on the day of planting to volunteers.
City Responsibilities
- Provides City-owned land and native trees
- Provides support during the day of planting, including tree delivery, tree unloading, guidance on planting boundaries, support for tree planting best practices and watering post-planting.
Available resources from the City:
- Trees
- Mulch
- Shovels
- Gloves
- Forestry staff to support the day of planting
- A watering truck to water the trees on the day of planting
Event organizers are responsible for organizing volunteers. All volunteers are responsible for bringing their own sunscreen, drinking water, shade hats, etc. during the day of planting.
The following guidelines must be considered for all Community Planting Events.
It is the responsibility of the group leader to communicate the health and safety guidelines at the Community Planting event:
- Identify, evaluate and eliminate Health and Safety risks to ensure that hazards are managed.
- Gloves and/or hand protection should always be worn.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn while work is being performed, sandals are not permitted.
- Loose or hanging jewelry and clothing must not be worn in any area where it could get caught and cause bodily harm.
- Volunteers should avoid working alone, pair volunteers.
- Volunteers should avoid working or coming into contact with infectious materials (any device such as a needle, syringe, or item that could cut or puncture and cause infection, disease, or infect an open wound). Volunteers must notify the group representative who then must notify City staff. Only properly trained coordinators or City staff are permitted to remove these items.
- Volunteers should not work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Do not pick up anything that is too awkward or too heavy.
- Sun and skin protection are a vital concern; you are required to provide your own sun protection and insect repellent.
Emergency Response:
- Bring a phone to call for help (9-1-1) in case of an emergency.
- You are required to supply your own first aid kit. The kit should be readily available and include, at a minimum, bandages, a compression bandage, antiseptic swabs and tweezers.