Parenting Supports
Home Safety

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Did you know?
In Canada, more than 20,000 children go to the emergency department every year for injuries that happen at home. The most common types of injuries are from falls, burns, poisoning, choking, strangulation, and drowning.
To prevent injuries at home:
- Actively supervise your child. Avoid distractions and don’t rely on safety devices to always keep your child safe.
- Role model safe behaviours. Your child will copy your actions, so do what you would like to see your children do.
- Be aware of milestones. Know your child’s stage of growth and development and the hazards associated with those milestones.
Make your home safer for children of all ages
- Always confirm medication dosages based on your child’s weight with a healthcare provider.
- Return any unused medication to any pharmacy.
- Do not call medicine candy.
- Keep all potential poisons out of reach, including: medications, cleaning products, cosmetics, natural health products, alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis.
- Keep the Ontario Poison Centre number saved in your phone: 1-800-268-9017
- Keep hot food, and appliances out of reach and hot drinks in a spill proof travel mug.
- Run cold bath water first and last, and test water temperature with your wrist or elbow.
- Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors outside of all sleeping areas and on each level of your home.
- Keep candles out of reach and never leave them unattended.
- If you have a pool make sure it is surrounded by a 4-sided fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate.
- Take a First Aid and CPR course.
- Provide your child with age appropriate toys.
- Regularly check for product recalls.
- Install window guards and stops on windows above the first floor.
- Use helmets when riding in a bike carrier, trailer or on a tricycle.
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