Transportation Master Plan

Steve Molloy
Call 905-546-2424 ext.2975
Email [email protected]
City in Motion, the City’s Transportation Master Plan provides a comprehensive and attainable transportation blueprint for Hamilton as a whole that balances all modes of transportation to become a healthier city.
City in Motion is a strategic policy document developed to provide a framework which guides future transportation-related studies, projects, initiatives and decisions. It sets directions for the city’s day-to day transportation programs and connects the transportation vision and transportation planning decisions to the City’s Strategic Plan.
The plan provides connections to the Official Plan, other master plans and all transportation-related studies, projects and initiatives that combine to support the City’s future growth to 2031 and beyond.
Three desired outcomes for the transportation system were identified through the TMP review and update process and relate to four of the seven City Strategic Plan priorities, which are a sustainable and balanced transportation system; healthy and safe communities; and, economic prosperity and growth.
These outcomes are supported by 71 key specific actions. The TMP also validates the need and justification for the strategic road network improvements, transit and cycling networks within the City.

The Transportation Master Plan: City in Motion (TMP) is a comprehensive review and update of the 2007 Transportation Master Plan that continues to plan and build for the 2031 planning horizon and beyond. In August 2018, Hamilton City Council unanimously approved Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and Cycling Master Plan Update (CMP)