Venues, Facilities & Bookings
Social Gatherings & Functions

Contact Us
For booking or venue information
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 3168
Email [email protected]
The City of Hamilton owns and operates nationally renowned heritage sites featuring unique indoor rental venues that range in style from the early 1800s to modern day:
- A Coach House on the estate of Canada’s pre-confederation Prime Minister
- A former Stable converted to a cottage-style retreat in the very heart of the city
- A modern Cellar beneath an 1818 family homestead
- An 1859 Woodshed with old-growth wooden beams and gracefully-arching trusses
- One of the finest examples of stone architecture in Ancaster built in 1871
Expansive green spaces, tended gardens and charming buildings offer wonderful settings for social & family gatherings.
- All venues and programs are subject to availability.
- Rates include all applicable taxes and are subject to change without notice.
- Catering services are the responsibility of the client.
- Confirmation of booking and payment policies differ from site to site; inquire when you book.
- All functions must be compliant with the Municipal Alcohol Policy
- Some museums are only partially wheelchair accessible; call for more details.
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