Official Plan Review

Charlie Toman
Program Lead - MCR
City Hall, 4th Floor
71 Main St W, Hamilton
Call 905-546-2424 ext 5863 or
Email [email protected]

The City is updating its Growth Management Strategy (GRIDS 2) and will also be completing a Municipal Comprehensive Review.
Municipalities review their Official Plans on a regular basis to ensure they remain up to date, reflect current provincial policy, and represent the long-term vision of the municipality.
The City of Hamilton's Rural Hamilton Official Plan and Urban Hamilton Official Plan were approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and came into effect on March 7, 2012 and August 16, 2013, respectively.
The Official Plan Review is not intended to be a rewrite of the City’s Official Plans, but rather a targeted update to only those sections and policies that require changes to address provincial policies and significant locally-identified issues. The organization and structure of the Official Plans will remain the same.
GRIDS 2 (Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy) is a big-picture planning process that evaluates the land use, infrastructure, economic development, and financial implications of growth for the next 30 years. The City is planning for 236,000 new residents and 122,000 new jobs in Hamilton to the year 2051.
On April 10, 2024 the Province of Ontario released an updated version of the proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2024. The proposed Provincial Planning Statement represents a consolidation of the existing Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019 and includes select changes from the draft released in 2023 in an effort to address some of the comments received on the previous draft.
If approved, all planning decisions, and any future City initiated reviews of the two Official Plans, will need to be consistent with the updated policy framework, pursuant to the Planning Act. Further information on the proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 visit Provincial Planning Matters.
Project Phases
The Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review has been broken down into four project phases, each resulting in separate Official Plan Amendments. Review of the City’s Official Plan policies has occurred at the same time as the GRIDS 2 project completes the necessary steps to determine how and where the City will accommodate additional growth.