All documents that you’ve been requested to submit should be done so through the online Child Care Document Submission.
License Revision Request
If a licensee currently enrolled in CWELCC is looking to revise their programming, they must complete the request on the Child Care Licensing System Portal. This includes:
- licensed capacity changes
- age groups served (including alternate capacity)
- program hours (e.g., less than 6 hours to more than 6 hours)
- increase the number of approved contracted homes (HCCA only)
Any growth or expansion in the System occurs through the Directed Growth Application. Go to to complete an application.
Email [email protected] if you require clarification or assistance.
Operating Capacity Change Form
When your organization has any revisions to operating capacity or use of alternate capacity for periods longer than 3 months, you will need to submit one document per site. Once completed, you can submit through the Online Child Care Document Submission.
OCCMS Quick Reference Tool
This tool supports Licensees with the monthly task of providing accurate information on the Operating Capacity and Long-Term Vacancy data on the Record of Attendance (ROA). This information is used to determine funding approvals, monitor trends, and help inform the City of Hamilton.
New requirement - In the CWELCC Record of Attendance chart, you must fill out an additional column. Please use the OCCMS Quick Refence Tool(PDF, 363.88 KB), page 2, for further instructions.
CWELCC Child Eligibility Tool - Children Turning Six
To clarify, if a child is 4 or 5 and in a school age program, they are eligible until the end of the month in which they turn 6 or until June 30. If a child is 6 and in a school program, they are not eligible.
CWELCC Child Eligibility Tool - Children Turning Six(PDF, 170.29 KB)