Health Resources for Schools
Substance Use & Harm Reduction

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We promote and implement evidence-based substance misuse prevention strategies that are comprehensive, long-range and integrated into the school environment.
Resources for
Substance Use and Addictions
- Alternatives for Youth provide presentations on a range of topics around substance use.
- The a to z: Substance Use module can be navigated individually or in groups by students aged 14-16, or facilitated in the classroom. Includes facilitator guide and activity ideas.
- Use interactive tools created in collaboration with youth from mindyourmind such as Getting High? A tool that guides students through questions to consider when choosing whether to take a substance and Be Safe, a tool that allows the user to create a digital safety plan.
- Read Understanding Substance Use: Educator’s Guide when looking for ways to talk with youth in grades 6-12 about substance and to obtain knowledge, tools and resources on subjects pertaining to substance use, as well as access some video modules.
- OPHEA provides tools and resources for lesson planning, as well as information from youth on the preferred way to speak to youth about substance use.
- Access lesson plans from:
- iMinds to support drug literacy for grades 4 to 12
- SACY Fentanyl-related resources and support for the classroom grades 6-11
- Project Alert to support grades 7 - 8, including online training for teachers, posters and videos.
- Explore resources for teachers and parents from the Ministry of Education
Alcohol specific resources
- Access lesson plans from Media Smarts to support grades 4 - 11 alcohol misuse curriculum
- Use Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health from CCSA to enhance understanding of how to reduce health risks associated with alcohol use
Cannabis specific resources
- School Mental Health Ontario – Cannabis: What Educators Need to Know
- Book a classroom presentation through Weed out the Risk to discuss road safety risks associated with driving while under the influence of marijuana
- Use low–risk cannabis guidelines from CAMH to enhance understanding of how to reduce health risks associated with cannabis use
- Use the CPHA pot and driving toolkit with discussion guide and questions for teenagers
- An Indigenous Perspective on Cannabis and Vaping - Culturally appropriate resources and training related to recreational cannabis use and vaping. Contains toolkits for educators and for parents.
- Help students perform a needs assessment of their school to identify priority areas within the school.
- Review and update school policies about substance misuse. Advocate for including these policies in the school agenda and on the school website.
- Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Health approach a resource for members of school communities from the Public Health Agency of Canada (2021)
- Coordinate discussion groups consisting of students of diverse perspectives (related to age, gender, interests, etc.) to identify emerging trends and/or key issues related to substance use/misuse and identify the supports needed in the school
- Resources from SMHO and Youth Wellness Hub Ontario to support educators and school leaders when supporting youth and providing education on substance use.
- Engage and encourage student groups to promote substance misuse prevention and school health.
- Encourage students ages 14 to 25 to join the HamOntYouth Steering Committee, that enables students make recommendations on youth initiatives (including those pertaining to substance use and harm reduction)
- Suggest students initiate an OSAID Chapter in their school to raise awareness of impaired driving
- Replace with: Create a Social Norms Campaign with students in grades 7 and 8. Use interactive activities to share the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) results or school data to influence substance misuse culture and norms.
- Encourage youth to participate in the Hamilton Drug Strategy to help shift the way the city addresses substance use and how it impacts our community.
- Establish a resource centre in the school to access information on substances and available community supports for students, parents, staff and community.
- Monitor school property and places youth may use or share substances.
- Encourage Health Action Teams or Positive School Climate Teams to create positive spaces for socializing, in collaboration with school administrators.
- Promote the importance of calling 911 for an overdose and learn how the Good Samaritan Act can protect individuals.
- Alternatives for Youth offers substance use counselling for youth age 12 - 23 and their families. Call 905-527-4469.
- Learn how to respond to an overdose, including the administration of naloxone and where to get free naloxone kits.
- City of Hamilton Child & Adolescent Services offers family therapy, individual counselling, play therapy and psychotherapy. Make a referral through Lynwood Charlton Centre - Access and System Navigation
- John Howard Society of Hamilton offers substance misuse prevention programs for youth age 12-17. Call 905-522-4446.
- Review the research on youth and alcohol for information on the risks and harms of alcohol consumption for youth, as well as some harm reduction messaging.
- School Mental Health Ontario resources includes opioid information for parents, youth and educators
- Health Canada information about opioids with links to talking with your teen about drugs, opioid information, naloxone information and an opioids toolkit with infographics and other resources.
- Ask your public health nurse about substance misuse prevention or email [email protected].
Cannabis specific resources
- Cannabis talk kit
- CAMH - Cannabis: What Parents/Guardians and Caregivers Need to Know
- Cannabis Infographics Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction.
- Health Canada: Health Effects of Cannabis (for parents and educators)
- CCSA: Talking Pot with Youth - Cannabis Communication Guide for Youth Allies (2020)
- CSSPD: Sensible Cannabis Education: A toolkit for Educating Youth (available in English, French, Spanish, Punjabi and Mandarin)
Ressources du service de santé publique en français
Certains renseignements et certaines ressources du Service de santé publique présentés sur cette page Web pourraient être disponibles en français. Communiquez avec l’infirmière affectée à votre école ou envoyez au courriel à [email protected] pour en savoir plus long sur les ressources et les services offerts en français.
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