Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
The largest investment of the Clean Harbour program is a multi-phase plan to upgrade the Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant. Because the plant is the largest single source of water flowing into Hamilton Harbour, the quality of that effluent has a direct and powerful impact on the harbour’s water quality and environmental health. The total budget for the upgrades is $340 million, $200 million of which comes from the provincial and federal governments through the Green Infrastructure Fund.
The planned upgrades include elevating the plant’s final treatment process from the secondary level to the tertiary (third) level. This will allow the plant to reach strict discharge limits described by the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan for phosphorus, ammonia and suspended solids.
Sub-projects at the Woodward plant include electrical system upgrades, a new chlorine tank and a new raw sewage pumping station and collection system control to support wet weather and flooding control initiatives.

Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
At $340 million, the Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades represent the largest investment within the City of Hamilton’s Clean Harbour Program. The upgrade project is a multi-phase, multi-year process that includes a number of sub-projects, each of which has its own specification and timelines. Learn more about what work is currently taking place as part of this project.
In 2008, the City completed the Woodward Avenue WWTP Service Area Schedule 'C' Environmental Study Report to determine a plan for upgrades to the Woodward WWTP to manage wet weather flows, provide treatment capacity, and meet treatment objectives defined by the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Federal Environmental Protection Act.
Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Schedule
A summary of the projects currently being implemented as part of this study:
Past update videos: Fall 2018 | Fall 2019 | Fall 2020 | Summer 2021 | Fall 2021
Woodward WWTP Upgrades Community Liaison Committee (CLC) established to receive input from local community members on issues related to the implementation of upgrades to the Woodward WWTP. The CLC serves as a forum for the exchange of information between the City and representatives from the project community. The CLC focuses on the ‘how’ to assist in informing, engaging and hearing the community during all phases of the project.
Status: Ongoing
Expansion of the primary treatment system with two new primary clarifiers to provide a firm primary capacity of 1,300 MLD.
Bypass chlorine contact tank for primary effluent bypasses.
Status: Completed in 2013
MECP mandated Red Hill Creek Monitoring Program including baseline water quality, benthic invertebrate and receiving water impact assessment to assess and monitor the long-term impacts of the Sewage Treatment Plant on the Red Hill Creek as a result of the Woodward Upgrades project.
Status: Ongoing until at least 2031
Power upgrades to provide the necessary power supply for all existing and new processes at the Woodward Avenue WWTP.
New Wastewater Pumping Station with a firm capacity of 1,700 MLD
Status: See Sub-Project tabs below for more details.
Construction of a new 614 MLD disk filtration tertiary treatment facility and upgrades/expansion to the existing South Plant secondary treatment systems to allow both secondary treatment plants (North and South) to nitrify.
Modifications to approximately 900m of Red Hill Creek, including stream widening, construction of aquatic and terrestrial habitat improvements as well as construction of a new outfall to deliver tertiary treated, disinfected effluent to the Red Hill Creek.
Construction of a new chlorine contact tank for tertiary treatment effluent.
Status: See Sub-Project tabs below for more details.
Improved Effluent Quality: Addition of a tertiary treatment process to allow the Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet stringent Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan targets.
Maximizes Plant Hydraulics: Dedicated discharge location into Red Hill Creek required for tertiary treated effluent, and dedicates existing outfall for increased treatment of wet-weather flows.
Red Hill Creek: Improvements, including widening, of Red Hill Creek between the new and existing outfall to convey the new tertiary treated effluent.
Current Status
Contractor: North American Construction Ltd.
Construction began May 2019.
In October 2022, a crucial milestone was achieved as the secondary effluent started to flow through the Tertiary Treatment Facility, simultaneously initiating the commissioning period. This achievement signifies a momentous step towards transforming the Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant from a secondary to a tertiary level treatment facility. Meeting this goal reflects the City's commitment to fulfilling the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan Targets. Upon successful completion of the commissioning of the Tertiary Treatment Facility, a 180-day Performance test will follow. The final phase of the upgrade project is scheduled to be completed in Q4 2023.
Learn more about Tertiary Treatment

Outfall Flow

Tertiary Treatment Building
Increased Capacity: Meet future wet-weather capacity needs of 1700 MLD.
Improved Conveyance: Larger and deeper wet well to mitigate system flooding, provide increased system storage and reduce solids buildup during dry weather flows.
Improved Maintenance: Split wet well design allowing for half of the wet well to be taken off-line for maintenance, while pumping station remains in operation.
Current Status
Contractor: Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd./Ball Construction Ltd. joint venture
Construction began May 2017.
The Main Pumping Station is now operational. As of August 31, 2022, the Main Pumping Station reached Substantial Performance and is in the 2-year warranty period with minor outstanding works, deficiency corrections, and final backfilling, landscaping and paving works to be completed in 2023.

Main Pumping Station
Replace Aging Assets: Reduce risk by replacing critical assets at the end of their useful life.
Increased Standby Power: Provide sufficient standby power to all essential loads.
Energy Efficiencies: Maximize energy efficiencies wherever possible.
Current Status
Contractor: Alberici Constructors, Ltd.
Construction began October 2017.
Construction of the new Electrical Power Centre is complete. All electrical power loads from the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants have been transferred to this new facility.
The Electrical Power Centre project reached Substantial Performance on November 11, 2022 and transitioned to the 2-year warranty period.

Electrical Power Centre
This notice is being provided as an update on the Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Upgrade Project. This upgrade is one of the key projects under the City’s Clean Harbour Program. The Harbour is currently designated as a Federal Area of Concern (AOC) and this project will play a significant role in achieving the goal of delisting in the future. The project will involve a multi-phase plan to upgrade the treatment plant. The completion of this project will see:
- The addition of a new third level of treatment which will increase the processing of the plant’s treated wastewater. This new process will allow the plant to reach discharge targets set by the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan to reduce the impact to the Harbour.
- The total budget for this project is $340 million. $200 million of the budget comes from the provincial and federal governments through the Green Infrastructure Fund.

Rendering - new entrance off Woodward Avenue

Rendering of the new Electrical & Stand-by Power Building

Rendering - new Main Pumping Station
During construction, the City will monitor work and the associated impacts to the surrounding community including vehicle flows, dirt and dust accumulation, noise and odours and other potential impacts.
Vehicle traffic
- Larger trucks will be accessing the site using the main entrance off Woodward Avenue.
- The City estimates that up to 20 trucks per hour will be entering the site at peak times.
- There will be up to 300 workers on site daily throughout the project. Contractors will be using Woodward Avenue and Brampton Street to access the staff parking/staging area. The staging area will be located at the end of Brampton Street and Rennie Street and contractors will be shuttled to and from the site.
- On-street parking will not be impacted by this project.
Upcoming work
- Construction on the plant will began in July 2017 and will extend until 2023.
- The City’s contractor will be moving equipment to the treatment plant and preparing for construction activities related to the plant upgrade. Trucks will be delivering materials and equipment as required throughout the project.
- As you travel along Woodward Avenue, you may notice that additional signage has been placed along the road. This signage will be in place throughout the duration of the project and is intended to assist with directing vehicle traffic.
Noise & odour
During construction, you may experience intermittent noise, dust and/or odours. The City will make efforts to minimize these impacts and will sweep the streets as required.
Community Liaison Committee
The Woodward Treatment Plant Upgrade Project has a dedicated Community Liaison Committee (CLC). The committee is made up of local members of the community and City staff. The CLC serves as a forum for the exchange of information between the City and representatives from the project community. The CLC focuses on the ‘how’ to assist in informing, engaging and hearing the community during all phases of the project.
If you are interested in learning more about the CLC or becoming a member, you may contact us:
Phone: 905-546-2489
Email: [email protected]
- For questions or concerns regarding vehicle traffic, temporary parking, street sweeping or noise please call:
- Hamilton Water Customer Service: 905-546-2489 (reference Woodward construction)
- For questions or concerns regarding odour please call:
- Hamilton Water Customer Service: 905-546-2489 (Mention odours at Woodward Treatment Plant)
What is a CLC?
The Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion Project Community Liaison Committee is a group that is comprised of 5 City of Hamilton employees, 7-10 local members of the community including residents as well as the local Ward Councillor who provides liaison to council. The Community Liaison Committee is structured to provide a balance of perspectives on the Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project and was formed in partnership between the City and the local community to serve as a forum for the exchange of information between the City and representatives from the community.
The Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project is a large scale project that began in 2017 and is scheduled for completion in 2023. While there are significant environmental, economic, and aesthetic benefits associated with the completion of this project, the City understands the importance of maintaining ongoing communication with residents and ensuring the project and associated impacts are compatible with the community.
The Community Liaison Committee promotes the sharing of information, ideas and concerns regarding the project in an environment where these items can be openly shared and discussed. Community Liaison Committee meetings assist in informing, engaging and hearing the community during all phases of the project. Involving community members in the project and creating an opportunity for local residents, businesses and community leaders to provide advice will help to minimize local community disruption and improve decisions and communication.
Goals and Objectives
The City of Hamilton established the Community Liaison Committee in 2010 to serve as one of many ways for the City and community representatives to exchange information during the planning and construction phases of the project.
Specific Community Liaison Committee goals include:
- To learn about operations, processes, and projects at the Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant for the management and treatment of wastewater.
- To attend quarterly evening meetings of the Community Liaison Committee related to the Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project.
- To share information about quality of life, business, and other impacts occurring for City residents and businesses due to construction at the Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant site and other similar City projects in the surrounding area.
- To identify or comment on mitigating measures to be put in place to minimize the effects of impacts.
- To identify any synergies which the Project Team can leverage that would make improvements to the community.
- To work co-operatively with other Community Liaison Committee members, staff, and consultants.
Committee Members
Existing Community Liaison Committee community members are eager to provide information and represent their local community on project related matters. If you would like to speak directly to a Community Liaison Committee community member, you can obtain contact information by calling Cheryl Heaslip at the number provided below.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Community Liaison Committee, or if you wish to receive additional information regarding the Community Liaison Committee, please refer to the contact information provided below.

CLC Information Contact
[email protected]
Odour Concerns
Process Supervisor
905-546-2424 ext.1086
General Inquiries, Noise, Dust and Traffic Concerns
Hamilton Water - Customer Service