The Nest Gathering Space

Ken Wheaton
Landscape Architect
Call 905-546-2424 ext.2289
Email [email protected]
The Nest will be one of four gathering spaces along the along the Red Hill Valley Trail (RHVT) and is located within the northeast quadrant of Rosedale Park in Ward 4. Once constructed, it will include a network of vertical wooden poles arranged around armour stone seating, vegetated mounds, native tree plantings and a granular pathway connection to the RHVT. The location of the Nest was chosen because the area is of historic significance, it is close to the Red Hill Creek, parking lots within the park and its placement on the existing plateau results in minimal grading work.
The Red Hill Valley Trail System (RHVT) was formalized as part of the Red Hill Valley Parkway (RHVP) construction. The entire valley is a historically significant landscape that includes important habitat for significant flora and faunal species and is a major watershed for the City of Hamilton. Throughout extensive stakeholder engagements for the RHVP, the need to formalize the RHVT was identified. Formalization of the trail system was an opportunity to create places of reflection and contemplation for trail users, but with a historical focus.

The Joint Stewardship Board (JSB) in cooperation with the City and its consultant Kenneth Hoyle and Associates identified four gathering place themes: The Bear, Nest, Eel and Turtle. Locations of each gathering place or ‘node’ underwent extensive consultation with the JSB as well as various other stakeholders including the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) and Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA). To date, The Bear and The Turtle have been constructed.