Temporary Road Use Permits

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If you require short-term occupancy of sidewalks or lanes of a roadway, you first need a Temporary Lane and Sidewalk Occupancy Permit from the City of Hamilton. This ensures proper approvals and compliance requirements are met to keep the public safe on all City roads and sidewalks.
Apply for a Temporary Lane & Sidewalk Occupancy Permit
Complete the Temporary Lane & Sidewalk Occupancy Permit Application
- The permit fee is required upon issuance of the permit. Visa and Master Card is accepted.
- Unrestricted Lane Occupancy (i.e. Local Lane, Partial Sidewalk, Alley, Walk-through Scaffolding) $61.30 (per 14 day period)
- Restricted Lane Occupancy (Arterial lanes signed No Parking Anytime/No Stopping Anytime) $61.30 (per lane/per day)
- Sidewalk Closure ("Pedestrians Use Other Sidewalk" signs are to be installed by and at the applicant's expense) $132.80 (per 14 day period)
- Occupancies related to Road Cuts (Excavations) follow the Unrestricted and Restricted Lane Occupancy fee listed above. Sidewalk Closure Permit Fee does not apply.
- Extensions of all above mentioned permits will be considered on a case by case basis. Please email prior to permit expiry.
Please provide a minimum of 5 days notice.
Is your project along the future Hamilton LRT? As a result of the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 you may be required to get a Corridor Development Permit from Metrolinx prior to applying for your temporary sidewalk and lane occupancy.
Visit Metrolinx – Priority Transit Projects Permit for more information. The Corridor Development Permit is required prior to any Municipal Permit required.
You need a Temporary Road Closure Permit when occupancy of a full roadway or one full direction of traffic on a roadway is blocked for more than three to five minutes.
Apply for a temporary road closure permit
Complete the Temporary Road Closure Application
A minimum of 2 weeks notice is required to process a Temporary Road Closure Application.
Please note that Temporary Road Closures are not encouraged. Every other option should be exhausted before submitting an application to close a road.
** If you are requesting a road closure due to Development-related water/sewer connections, please contact your inspector in Development Construction as they stickhandle this road closure process.
Upon Approval (via a Delegated Authority Letter signed by the Chief Road Official), the following conditional items will be required prior to closure:
- Certificate of Insurance (minimum 2 million liability naming the City of Hamilton as an additional insured, or 5 million if fireworks or alcohol are part of your event)
- Neighbourhood Notice (to be delivered to all property owners affected by the closure, a minimum of one week prior to your event)
- Traffic Control Plan (to be created by, setup and taken down by an OTM Book 7 qualified Traffic Control Company) . Please contact us if you require a list of known Traffic Control Companies.
- Permit Fee (Fee subject to change annually)
- Permit fee for Construction is $1,738.80 (no GST).
- Permit fee for Filming & Events is $310.80 (no GST).
Is your project along the future Hamilton LRT? As a result of the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 you may be required to get a Corridor Development Permit from Metrolinx prior to applying for your temporary sidewalk and lane occupancy.
Visit Metrolinx – Priority Transit Projects Permit for more information. The Corridor Development Permit is required prior to any Municipal Permit required.
If you want to operate an oversized or overweight truck on City roads, you need an Oversize Permit and proper liability insurance.
Apply for an oversize truck permit for an oversized or overweight truck
Please note that it may take up to 5 business days for standard oversize applications. All overweight applications may require additional review time
Complete Single Trip Permit Application
Permit fee is $168.25 (no GST)
Complete Annual Permit Application
Over dimensional fee is $336.50 (no GST)
Over weight fee is $243.50 per tonne overweight
Apply for Commercial and Multi-Family Access Permit (Permanent & Temporary)
Complete Access Permit Application
Access Permit Fee is $141.60 (no GST)