How do I redeem my Fare Assist PRESTO voucher code?
Follow these step-by-step instructions if redeeming your Fare Assist PRESTO voucher code:
Can I use the same PRESTO card on DARTS/HSR?
Yes your (one) PRESTO card can be used on HSR and DARTS.
Does each member of my family need their own PRESTO card?
Yes, each family member will need their own PRESTO card in order to receive the Fare Assist discount following approval.
Can I apply if I’m 18 or 19 and haven’t filed my income tax?
If you are aged 18 or 19 and have never filed an Income Tax return you can apply. Please include a copy of your most recent three (3) pay stubs for any and all job(s) held in the last 12 months and / or any annual Income Slips (e.g., T4, T4A, or other) you may have received to date.
Note: You will be required to provide a Notice of Assessment (NOA) if you re-apply in the future.
Can I apply if I’m a recent refugee/newcomer to Canada but have not filed a tax return?
Yes, if you are recent refugee/newcomer to Canada, but have not filed a tax return you can apply. Please include a copy of the following documents:
- Record of Landing (Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) form IMM 1000) and Sponsorship agreements or payments, including Refugee Assistance Program cheque stubs, if applicable.
- Refugee Status Documentation IMM1442 (Forms IMM1263 and 5292 may also be considered).
- An Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefit stub for the current month.
- If currently employed, a copy of your most recent three (3) pay stubs for any and all job(s) held in the last 12 months and / or any annual Income Slips (e.g., T4, T4A, or other) you may have received to date.
- If you are privately sponsored, a letter from your sponsor/sponsoring group is required to confirm your monthly or annual income.
Note: You will be required to provide a Notice of Assessment (NOA) if you re-apply in the future.
Can I apply more then one discount voucher code or concession to my PRESTO card?
No, only one discount voucher code or concession can be applied to your PRESTO card.
What is the cost per trip for adults/senior?
Current fare pricing can be found on HSR's Fares & Photo ID's. The 30% discount is off the single ride with PRESTO price for all members of the household.
I’m a senior and currently use a monthly pass. Is this program right for me?
As a senior you need to determine how often you use transit and decide which option is best for you. The reduced Senior Equity rate is $1.58 vs a regular monthly pass at $41.50. Based on this, if you regularly take more than 26 paid trips/month, then you are better off using the regular Senior Monthly pass. If you take fewer than 26 paid trips/months then you should consider using the Senior Equity fare type.
Is the Support Person card still valid?
Yes. The Support Person card allows your support person to board with no charge, but the original passenger still needs to pay a fare.
How is the PRESTO card identifiable to persons who are visually impaired?
The card is marked with the brail symbol for the letter P on the top right corner.
Can you use DARTS and HSR with one fare within the two hour transfer window?
Yes you can transfer anywhere within our system using the same payment method and take advantage of the 2 hour transfer window.
How do I use a PRESTO card?
Find information about using PRESTO at
How do I apply for Fare Assist?
Residents who wish to participate in the Fare Assist program can apply at
Why is HSR pausing the Affordable Transit Pass and Temporary Transit Fare Special Program?
Fare Assist is a more equitable discount program with eligibility based on financial need.
How long is Fare Assist being piloted?
Fare Assist is being piloted from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026.
Can a doctor’s note exempt me from paying a fare?
No, a doctor’s note does not exempt riders from paying a fare.
What happens if I leave Hamilton using the Fare Assist discount?
If you leave Hamilton using your Fare Assist discount you will be charged full Adult fare by the other transit agency. They do not honour the HSR discount.
What happens if I have another transit agency change my fare type while using their service to get a discount?
If you allow another transit agency to change your fare type for discounts with them, your HSR discount will stop working when you return to Hamilton and refunds on fares paid here will not be offered. We recommend using another PRESTO card when using their services if you are a senior or a youth.
What do I do if I’ve allowed my Fare Assist discount to get changed on my card by another transit agency?
If you have allowed your Fare Assist discount to be changed by another transit agency, you will need to visit the HSR Customer Service Office at 36 Hunter St. E to have the fare type set back to your discount. Adjustments will not be offered for any regular HSR fares you paid.
Does this Fare Assist discount work on monthly passes?
No. This discount is for single fares only.
Can I redeem the voucher on the PRESTO App?
If you are using a physical PRESTO card, you need to redeem your voucher code online at
If you are using a virtual PRESTO card, you need to use the PRESTO app to redeem your voucher code.