Hamilton's Climate Action Strategy
The City has created its first-ever Community Climate Change Advisory Committee (CCAC) – a diverse group of Hamiltonians who will play an essential role in advising on and supporting the implementation of Hamilton's Climate Action Strategy.
View Committee page
Beatrice Ekoko, Project Manager
Office of Climate Change Initiatives
Call 905-546-2424 ext.6885
Email [email protected]
Better Homes Hamilton
Want to enjoy a more comfortable and energy efficient home? The City of Hamilton is piloting a residential energy-efficiency retrofit program to help make homes future ready.
As a fuel-switching (gas/oil/propane to electric) residential building retrofit program, Better Homes Hamilton is a key action in Hamilton’s mission to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 & prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
On March 27, 2019 Hamilton City Council declared a Climate Change Emergency. The City of Hamilton is on a mission to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
Locally climate change can be seen as:
- the increased frequency and severity of heat waves resulting in heat related illnesses and drought conditions;
- the increased severity and frequency of storms, including heavy precipitation leading to flooding, shoreline and escarpment erosion
- the increased frequency and severity of temperature and precipitation leading to the increased replacement and maintenance costs of roads and transportation infrastructure.
Climate change affects everyone. the impacts of climate change cause millions of dollars of infrastructure damage, damage homes and businesses, and put people’s health and safety at risk.
These negative effects will worsen as the level of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere continues to rise. Just as the City is taking action, it is critical that everyone who lives, works, plays and learns in Hamilton makes changes to reduce their carbon footprint at home, at work, and in their everyday lives.
Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy
Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy is the City’s next evolution in the response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration. Approved in August 2022, there are several actions the City, and broader community, continue to undertake to accelerate Hamilton’s transition to a prosperous, equitable, resilient post-carbon City.
Central to environmental sustainability and climate resiliency is changing how the City works and advancing municipal climate policy to make a positive difference on the organization and the community. Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy advances the City’s response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration and consists of two major steams:
- climate mitigation: reduction of greenhouse gases (the cause of climate change)
- climate adaptation: decreasing impacts and preparing for unavoidable impacts of a changing climate
Hamilton’s Climate Action Strategy advances the City’s response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration and consists of two plans: