Flooding and Drainage Master Servicing Study
The Flooding and Drainage Master Servicing Study has been initiated to review the level of service for the City’s urban drainage systems (underground and surface drainage) which are located within the combined sewer system area.
A key part of this study will include an assessment of the impact of planned growth, land use intensification and climate change on Hamilton’s flood risk, conveyance, wet weather management, treatment strategies and impact on Hamilton Harbour and its associated Remedial Action Plan (HHRAP). Flooding and drainage system improvements will be identified, conceptual designs will be developed, and opportunities to reduce storm flows into the combined system will be verified.
Study Background
The City has been proactive in addressing flooding issues through:
- area specific flooding studies
- capital works upgrades
- the Protective Plumbing Program that offers aid to residents in reducing the risk of basement flooding; about 9500 households have benefited from this program.
In the last decade, the City has experienced a number of severe storm events significant enough to lead to sewer backups and basement flooding.
Location: The study area is defined as the “combined sewer system area” as noted on the map.
Study status: Active

Independent Community Panel
Contact Us
By Phone or Email
Christina Cholkan
Project Manager
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 6234
Email [email protected]
By Phone or Email
Mani Seradj
Alternate Project Manager
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 4480
Email [email protected]