Winter Programs
Winter programs will be available for review on November 21, 2024.
Registration starts at 8am on December 11 & 12.
We would like to express our sincere thanks for your patience as we transition to our new registration software. Changes like these can sometimes cause disruptions, and we greatly appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance the experience for all users.
Please call 905-546-3747 or email [email protected] with any questions related to programming.
Check Out Our New Look!

Ontario Camps Association (OCA)
The OCA logo identifies to campers, their families and staff that we meet industry standards – only accredited camps are able to use the OCA logo on literature and on their signs.
For more information, parents can visit: www.ontariocampsassociation.ca

The City of Hamilton Recreation Division is a HIGH FIVE® Accredited Organization and as such serves as the benchmark for excellence in children’s recreation and sport programming, focused on healthy child development and offering the highest recognized levels of quality and safety.
For more information, parents can visit: www.highfive.org/parent