Bayfront Industrial Area Strategy

Jennifer Patterson
Manager of Business Investment & Sector Development
Call 905-546-2424 ext 4475
Email [email protected]

Based on several rounds of engagement we have developed a Draft Bayfront Industrial Area Strategy with an accompanying Bayfront Industrial Area Urban Design Guidelines.
The City of Hamilton’s Bayfront Industrial Area (the "Bayfront") is a 1,607-hectare mixed industrial area on the shore of Hamilton Harbour and adjacent to some of the city’s oldest neighbourhoods.
The Bayfront has been part of Hamilton’s industrial, economic and cultural legacy for decades, and it was here where Hamilton grew its reputation as one of Canada’s major manufacturing centres.
Today, manufacturing is still very much a part of this area; however, the City is conducting a study to guide future improvements, investments and redevelopment.
The Bayfront Strategy will contain short, medium and long-term visions and actions to position Hamilton’s oldest industrial area for a future of continuing productivity and investment.