Tree Ownership & Responsibilities

For more information
Call 905-546-2489 or
Email [email protected]
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Tree ownership is determined by the location of the tree, not who planted it. If you knowingly or unknowingly plant a tree on City property, it is considered a gift to the City. Conversely, if the City planted a tree in the past that is now on private property, it is considered a private tree and will not be maintained or removed by the City.
Under Hamilton’s Tree By-law No. 15-125, all City-owned trees, are the City’s responsibility to protect and maintain into the future, and any work done that may affect a City-owned tree must receive City approval.
Determine Tree Ownership

The location of the property line determines tree ownership. If a tree has greater than 50% of its trunk diameter measured at ground level on the private side of the property line, it is considered a private tree. Property owners are responsible for maintaining private trees.
If the tree is located between your property and City property, call 905-546-2489 and a Forestry Investigator will visit to determine if you or the City owns it.
If the tree is located between your property and your neighbours property, refer to your property survey for measurements of the property line to determine who owns the tree.
If you do not have a property survey, Building may have a copy on file. Call 905-546-2424 ext. 2720. If they do not have the survey, you may need to have your property surveyed.