Election Signs

Complain About an Election Sign
Contact Licensing Section at [email protected] or phone at 905-546-2782 option 3.
Election signs advertise or promote candidates in federal, provincial, or municipal elections. This can include, but is not limited to ground signs, posters, vehicle wraps, mobile signs on vehicles or trailers and bumper stickers intended to influence a person to vote for or against any candidate.
Election signs in Hamilton must comply with the City of Hamilton's Sign By-law No. 22-031
The by-law provides rules for the display of election signs on private and public properties, outlines when election signs can be displayed and when they must be removed and provides details on sign size and content.
Amendments for Election Signs
The Sign By-law was updated in 2022, with specific amendments made with regard to Election Signs. The amendments were approved by Council on February 23, 2022.
The updates to the Sign By-law in 2022 retained the majority of provisions related to Election Signs. The section pertaining to election signs was removed from the main body of the By-law and included as Schedule 1 for ease of use and clarity.
Amendments made included:
- language clarifying permissible displays
- enhancements to relevant definitions
- regulations pertaining to third party advertising
- regulations respecting vehicle signs