Urban Expansion Areas Secondary Planning Notice
We want to hear from you!
In 2022, six areas of land called Urban Expansion Areas were added to the City’s Urban Area as part of a Provincial decision on the City’s Official Plan amendment to plan for growth to 2051. Before any development takes place in these areas, a detailed land use planning process called Secondary Planning is required and will be led by the City.
To guide the planning for these new growth areas, the City is:
- Establishing a Policy Framework outlining requirements for Secondary Plans in Urban Expansion Areas
- Developing Secondary Plan Guidelines to guide all future secondary planning processes for Urban Expansion Areas
The Urban Expansion Areas will become new communities and neighbourhoods.
We want to hear your thoughts on what is important to you in planning for these areas.
We are seeking your input on what should be included in the Policy Framework and Secondary Plan Guidelines for the Urban Expansion Areas.

How to provide input
Visit engage.hamilton.ca/growinghamilton anytime from now to May 26 for more information, to see the consultation materials, and to provide your comments. An online survey is available until midnight on May 26, 2023.
Join the Virtual Information Meeting
There will be a LIVE Virtual Information Meeting held on Monday, May 15 from 7 to 8:30 pm. The project team will provide an overview presentation and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Individuals can participate online or by phone.
Visit engage.hamilton.ca/growinghamilton to register for the meeting and to submit your questions in advance.
Attend an Open House
There will be two drop-in open houses held where you can learn about the project, talk with staff and provide input.
- Wednesday, May 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Hamilton Central Library, Hamilton Room (main floor), 55 York Boulevard
- Wednesday, May 24 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Mount Hope Community Centre, 3027 Homestead Drive.
Questions? Would you like to be added to the project mailing list? Contact us at [email protected]
Do you have any accessibility requirements in order to be able to review the material and provide comments? Please contact Mark Kehler via email at mark.kehler.hamilton.ca or by phone at 905-546-2424 Ext. 4148.
Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
This Notice was published in the Hamilton Spectator on May 6, 2023