Light Rail Transit
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LRT in Hamilton
On Sep 15, 2021, Hamilton City Council ratified a memorandum of understanding with Metrolinx & the Ministry of Transportation to move forward with the 14-kilometre Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) project.
The LRT will connect McMaster University in the west end of Hamilton to Eastgate in the east, with new light rail vehicles running along tracks separated from regular traffic, offering frequent, safe and reliable service.
In May 2021, a joint funding announcement was made by the provincial and federal governments committing $3.4B to the capital cost of the project, making the Hamilton LRT one of the largest infrastructure investments in the City’s history.
May 13, 2021: Ontario and Canada Investing $3.4 billion to Advance Hamilton LRT
About Light Rail Transit
Light Rail Transit (LRT) is a transportation system based on electrically powered light rail vehicles (LRV) that operates on a track in a segregated, right of way. Multiple LRVs, or cars, can be coupled together to form a train. They are designed to deliver rapid, reliable and safe transportation services.
With higher capacity than other transit systems, LRT will carry passengers in reserved transit lanes separated from regular traffic. Vehicles will be low floor with multiple entrances that are accessible to customers with all levels of mobility.
How many other cities have LRT? More than 150 cities around the world have LRT. In Canada, LRT is either operational, planned or in construction in these Canadian cities: Edmonton, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Waterloo, Brampton, Mississauga, Montreal and Toronto.
LRT in Hamilton
Public Consultation
The 2nd round of Public Information Centres (PICs) took place in January 2017. More than 400 community members attended to learn about new developments to the project and to provide input on the current plans.
Public Information Centre 2
PIC 2 Presentation(PDF, 24.85 MB) | PIC 2 Mapping(PDF, 54.21 MB)
Public Information Centre 1
PIC 1 Presentation(PDF, 13.24 MB) | PIC 1 Mapping(PDF, 57.48 MB)
Community Connector Program
The City of Hamilton launched the LRT “Community Connectors” Program, in partnership with Metrolinx, in May 2016.
The Community Connector team, made up of a diverse group individuals from across our city, is committed to visiting every affected property (nearly 1,400) along the corridor twice per year for the duration of the project. Their role is to inform, educate and engage property owners and also gather feedback that will help inform the LRT plans.
LRT Citizen's Jury
A group of citizens that reflect the diversity of our community were recruited for a Citizens’ Jury. Using input from stakeholders like the public, the Jury provided advice to Hamilton City Council. They considered the challenges and opportunities that might arise from the implementation of LRT and will provide input into decision-making as higher order transit is implemented in Hamilton. This information was captured and shared with Council. Citizen's Jury Final Report(PDF, 7.27 MB)
On February 27, 2013 Hamilton City Council unanimously approved Rapid Ready, a multi-modal transportation framework for the next five years, including a strategy to develop a rapid ready City and investment requirements.
Part of this resolution also authorized staff to submit the B-Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) documents to Metrolinx for a funding decision.
Notice to Proceed with Hamilton B-Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project (2017)
An addendum to the Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the Hamilton B-Line Light Rail Transit Project, including a summary and all other required documents, was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change on May 29, 2017, with amendments completed on July 10, 2017. A 35-day Minister review period was completed on August 2, 2017. The LRT Office received official correspondence that the Hamilton B-Line LRT project can proceed as amended on July 10, 2017.
Hamilton LRT 2017 EPR Addendum - Proponent Letter(PDF, 636.44 KB)
Hamilton LRT 2017 EPR Addendum – Minister’s Notice to Allow a Change(PDF, 331.36 KB)
2017 Environmental Project Report Addendum
The City of Hamilton initiated a Rapid Transit Feasibility Study (RTFS) in November 2007 to review the constraints and opportunities for the development of either a BRT or LRT higher order transit system, along the A-Line and B-Line corridors.
Book 1: B-Line - Environmental Project Report
Books 2 & 3: B-Line - Environmental Project Report Appendix B
Book 4: B-Line - Construction, Design, Traffic Plans & Reports
Book 5: B-Line - Maintenance and Storage Facility
Book 8: A-Line - Initial Feasibility & Opportunities Report
The Hamilton LRT project includes significant investment in City infrastructure. Along the 14 kilometre route, a majority of existing municipal infrastructure and private utilities will be replaced. These include, but are not limited to, roads, sidewalks, bridges, watermains, sewers, electrical distribution (hydro), telecommunications, natural gas, traffic control signals and street lights.
- Sidewalks will be upgraded to current accessibility standards (AODA) complete with urban braille and traffic signals will be upgraded with new technology to connect with the City’s Advanced Traffic Management System.
- As a result of this renewal, the lifecycle clock of these assets will be reset to ‘0’, which allows the City to reprioritize and redistribute future infrastructure spending.
- Also, by combining sewers, merging watermains and reducing traffic lanes, fewer assets will have to be maintained/replaced once LRT is in operation.
- The renewal of this infrastructure is included as part of the Federal and Provincial funding commitment and will provide millions of dollars in overall net benefit to the City.
Infrastructure improvements for LRT: 14 km of sewer pipe replaced, 16 km of watermain pipe replaced, 14 km of road reconstruction, 28 km of sidewalk replaced and upgraded to AODA standard, 62 traffic signals replaced and upgraded with new technology.
Staff presentations at General Issues Committee, City Council, Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee, etc.